I got my first (ok seccond, but I never did the first one) challenge from Janica
- Tell 11 random things about yourself
- Answer to the 11 things the person who tagged you made questions about
- Make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag
- Choose blogger under 200 readers and tag/challenge them
- Give them into through comments
- You cannot tag the person who challenged you! :-)
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All the pics in this post are from weheartit.com because always when I try to take pics here, it's already too dark to get sharp ones. Blame November ;) 11 Random Things About Me
1. Mun lempi vuodenaika on kevät. Se on parasta kun alkaa taas tulemaan valosampaa ja lehtiä puihin.
Kaikista kaunein kevät minkä tiedän on Hollannissa, siellä alkaa ekat kukat jo kukkimaan Helmikuussa.
My favorite season is spring. I love it when the sun starts to shine again and the trees get their leaves back.
In the Netherlands they have the most pretty spring i.m.o,
2. Mä pelkään pellejä kuollakseni. Ehk jotain lapsuudentraumoja? En tiiä mutta me ei vaan tulla toimeen..
I' really scared for clowns. I don't know if I've got child hood traumas from then or something,
but I really don't like them...
3. Mun onnen numero on 22.
My lucky number is 22.
4. Mun inhokki ruoka on cashew pähkinät, kaikki muu menee oikeestaan.
One of the only food I don't like are cashew nuts.
5. Mä oon hyvä ideoimaan, mutta huono toteuttamaan ja muistamaan ne.
I'm good at getting ideas, but bad in filling and remembering them.
6. 500 days of summer on mun lempparielokuva.
500 days of summer is my favorite movie
7.Haluaisin opiskella ulkomailla, luultavasti sisustamista.
I'd like to study interior designing abroad.
8. Olen asunut suurimman osan mun elämästä Hollannissa
I've lived the most of the time in the Netherlands.
9. Mä oon tosi spontaani, ryhdyn kaikenlaiseen outoon ilma et ajattelen 2 sekkaa kauemmin,
I'm super spontaneous,
10. Mä luulin et mul on tosi random musamaku, mut sit loppujen lopuks paljastu et ei ookkaan :D
At first I thought that I have a really weird taste for music, but then I got to know it's pretty normal :D
11. En malta odottaa etää pääsen vihdoin viimein oikeesti Ausseihin!
I can't wait until I really leave to Australia!
![]() The 11 questions:
(Janicaa mitä nää kysymykset on? :DDD)
1. Mikä on sun lempiruoka?
Mun lempiruoka on italialainen ja thaimaalainen ruoka. NamNam!
What is your favorite food?
I love Italian and Thai food. YumYum!
2,Missä muodossa tykkäät perunoista eniten?
Sellasin palloperunoina :) Ne on vähän niinku ranskiksii mut sit palloi.
In what 'form' do you like potato the most?
As those round little kinda french fries like potatoes. (yeah, you didn't get it I guess..)
3. Kolme asiaa jotka haluat tehdä/nähdä ennen kuin kuolet:
Mennä naimisiin+ saada lapsia, matkustaa jonnekin maahan missä ihmiset tarttee apua
ja auttaa siellä niitä ihmisiä ja rakentaa/remontoida unelma talo.
Three things you want to do/see before you die:
Get married+get children, travel to a country where people need help and help them
and build/renovate my dream home.
4.Jos voisit olla mikä tahansa eläin, mikä olisit ja miksi?
Eee... mä haluaisin olla ehkä lintu, jotta sais lentää :D
I you could be whatever animal, what would it be and why?
I'd be a bird, because then I'd get to fly :)
5.Mikä on sun lemppari dinosaurus?
Apua! En tiiä yhtäkää nimelt, mut ne joil on super pitkät kaulat.
What is your favorite dinosaur?
I don't know any by name, but those with really long necks
6. Haluatko isona lapsia, jos joo niin kuinka monta?
Joo, ja ainakin 2 :)
Do you want to have kids when your older and if yes how many?
Yes and at least 2 :)
7.Onko sulla joku tulevaisuuden ammatti mieles?
Joo,haluaisin olla sisustusarkkitehti tai arkkitehti.
Do you know what you wanna work as/at when you grow up?
I'd like to be interior designer or architect
8.Mikä on sun suosikki prinsessa disney leffoista?
Pienenä se oli ruusunen eikä se oo oikeen muuttunu siit.
Who is your favorite Disney princess?
It was sleeping beauty when I was little and I guess it's still her.
9.Mikä on 5-2/8x-(56-7)
Eeee.... Pitäiskö toi tietää? :D
What is 5-2/8x-(56-7)
Eeee. Should I know? :D
10.Onko mottoa elämälle?
Älä koskaan lopeta unelmoimasta.
Do you have a motto for life?
Never stop dreaming :)
11.Mikä on elämän tarkoitus?
What is the meaning of life?
To live.
I challenge Gemma, Ada and Seidi to do this challenge. Here the questions.
1.What is your favorite movie?
2.About which song are you 100% sure it's telling about your life?
3. What is your favorite quote?
4. Which piece of clothing would you never ever wear?
5.What is your favorite comment you've got on your blog?
6.Have you ever had a celebrity crush? Who?
7. What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up?
8. Tell 3 of your dreams/life goals.
9. What is your favorite language? Why?
10, If you could learn something without having to practice for it, what would you want to learn?
11. What did you do today?
The meaning of life is to live, very true.
Haha! i know ;)
DeleteJoo tiiän mitä perunoita tarkotat :D Hahaha musta nää kysymkset oli kyl nii hyviä :D
ReplyDeleteNiin oli! :D Olit selvästi luoval tuulel :DDD
Deletejeee uus postaus! :--)
ReplyDeleteFinaly ;D