
And That's Who I Am

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Näihin postauksiin oon viimeaikoina törmänny melkeen kaikissa mun lukemissani blogeissa
(tänäänkin kahteen ;D),ja pitihän mun sitten saada tehdä oma tällainen.
 Sain tänään muuten maailman suloisimman tekstiviestin, kun mun lapsenvahtilapsi (3v poika) kutsu mut sen synttäreille. Se oli sanonu sen äidille, että se haluaa kutsua vaan sen kaikista parhaat kaverit ja nyt oon koko loppu päivän vaan hymyilly ja ollu super imarreltu.. Awww!
 Tänään lähden Turkuun viikonlopuksi joten nyt ei taas tuu postauksia pariin päivään...
Love Emma

I've red 'quite' many of these posts in the last few weeks, and of course 
I had to get to make an own one.So that's who I am.

  I got the most sweet text today from a 3-year-old boy who I babysit. He wanted to invite me
as one of his best friends to his birthday party next week. I've been smiling and Awwwing the whole day after I red it. So cute! Haven't been on a kids B-day party for a while... 
It's Turku calling, this weekend so you wont (I know again) get posts for a few days.
Love Emma


  1. Those photos are good!I just love how you did your photos because it goes automatically to whatever kind of photo you want it to be.Oh by the way did you send me a letter yet or did you just forgot because you have been so busy with school lately and it will be alright with me.Thanks!I also love how you fixed your blog by the way.You must be excited visiting Sydney...i know i would be.

  2. Mulle on sulle haaste mun blogissa :D!
